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Configuration & Environment variables

Congiguration and Environment variables allow for users to cache secure and repetitive settings into a pingctl config file. The default location of the file is ~/.pingidentity/config.

In cases where the a configuration item might be specified at any of the three levels of the pingctl config file, the users current environment, or the command line arguments. The rule is:

  • Command-Line argument overrides (when available)
  • pingctl config file
  • Environment variable overrides

PingOne Variables

The standard PingOne variables used by pingctl are as follows:

Variable Description
PINGONE_AUTH_URL PingOne Auth URL (i.e.,,
PINGONE_WORKER_APP_CLIENT_ID PingOne Worker App ID GUID with access to PingOne Environment
PINGONE_WORKER_APP_GRANT_TYPE PingOne Worker App Grant Type to use. Should be one of authorization_code, implisit or client_credential
PINGONE_WORKER_APP_REDIRECT_URI PingOne Worker App available redirect_uri. Defaults to http://localhost:8000
PINGONE_WORKER_APP_CLIENT_SECRET PingOne Worker App Secret providing authentication to PingOne Worker App ID GUID

Ping DevOps Variables

Priot to the pingctl CLI tool, ping-devops was available to help with the management of docker, docker-console and kustomize deployments. Part of the tools and aliases provided with that made use of several variables used when deploying docker images into different environments.

The standard Ping DevOps variables still supported and manged by pingctl are as follows:

Variable Description
PING_IDENTITY_ACCEPT_EULA Specify YES or NO to accept Ping Identity EULA
PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_HOME Home directory/path of your DevOps projects
PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_REGISTRY Default Docker registry to pull images from
PING_IDENTITY_DEVOPS_TAG Default DevOps tag to use for deployments (i.e. 2103)

pingctl Variables

The additional variables honored by pingctl are as follows:

Variable Description
PINGCTL_CONFIG Location of the pingctl configuration file. Defaults to: ~/.pingidentity/config
PINGCTL_DEFAULT_OUTPUT Specifies default format of data returned. Command-Line arg -o. Defaults to: table
PINGCTL_DEFAULT_POPULATION Specifies default population to use for PingOne commands. Command-Line arg -p. Defaults to: Default
PINGCTL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS_{resource_type} Specify custom format of table csv data to be returned. Command-Line arg -c. See more detail below
PINGCTL_OUTPUT_SORT_{resource_type} Specify column to sort data. Command-Line arg -s. See more detail below


There are two classes of variables under the PINGCTL_OUTPUT name that provides:

  • PINGCTL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS_{resource} - Specifies the columns to display whenever a pingctl pingone get {resource} command is used.

    Same as the -c option on the command-line (see pingctl pingone get command).

    Format of value should be constructed with HeadingName:jsonName,HeadingName:jsonName. The best way to understand is looking at the example of the default USERS resource:

    Example PINGCTL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS_USERS setting and output,FirstName:name.given

    will generate output, looking like:

    $ pingctl pingone get users
    LastName     FirstName
    --------     ---------
    Adham        Antonik
    Agnès        Enterle
    2 'USERS' returned

    can also use the -c option as command line argument:

    $ pingctl pingone get users -c ",FirstName:name.given,Username:username"
    LastName     FirstName    Username
    --------     ---------    --------
    Adham        Antonik      antonik_adham
    Agnès        Enterle      enterle_agnès
    2 'USERS' returned


  • PINGCTL_OUTPUT_SORT_{resource} - Specifies the column to sort on.

    Same as the -s option on the command-line (see pingctl pingone get command).

    Format of value should be constructed with jsonName. The name must be of the names in PINGCTL_OUTPUT_COLUMNS_{resource}.

    Example PINGCTL_OUTPUT_SORT_USERS setting and output

    will generate output, looking like (note that the LastName, aka, is what is sorted):

    $ pingctl pingone get users
    LastName     FirstName
    --------     ---------
    Adham        Antonik
    Agnès        Enterle
    2 'USERS' returned

    can also use the -s option as command line argument:

    $ pingctl pingone get users -s "name.given"
    LastName     FirstName    Username
    --------     ---------    --------
    Adham        Antonik      antonik_adham
    Agnès        Enterle      enterle_agnès
    2 'USERS' returned